Viticulture Labour Hire

Skilled Viticulture Labour

Yarra Valley Labour Hire provides skilled and reliable workers to your vineyard. From picking to pruning, you can trust us for all your vineyard labour needs.


Deep industry knowledge for skilled, reliable labour in viticulture and horticulture.


Unwavering professionalism in services and workforce selection.


High-quality labour solutions meeting stringent safety and performance standards.

Expert Viticulture Workers

At Yarra Valley Labour Hire, we focus on providing vineyards with reliable and skilled workers proficient in essential vineyard tasks. Our labour solutions cater to all you vineyard labour needs including:

For your peak season demands, special projects, or regular vineyard operations, we provide you with the right workforce skilled in the tasks you require.

Our Guarantee

As a host, you can have complete peace of mind knowing that any worker who steps onto your property (through YVLH) has current work rights in Australia. We also have a strong focus on bio-security, and workplace health and safety. We conduct Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), on-site inductions and daily pre-start checklists with all workers.